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Opinion: Are enough public funds invested in the arts?


As far as I know, the arts are not impartially treated in Japan. The prices of paintings and artworks are prohibitively high and some people think they are unaffordable. Although some islands with famous museums are popular, getting there is not a realistic option for many people in need. They do not have access to art as easily as the wealthy.

A beneficial way to get people used to the arts is invest public funds to support young artists and provide them with opportunities to present their work. In fact, Japanese people have valued calligraphy, plastic arts and traditional performing arts, but contemporary arts are still unknown or less known. Unfortunately, the public still thinks of them as 'special', 'distant' and 'unnecessary'. Therefore, contemporary artists do not have the same opportunities and places to present their work as artists in traditional fields.

Next, human beings invariably need things that enrich their lives, such as music, films, hobbies and favourite foods. Although these elements are not strictly essential for life, if we do not insist on diversity, our lives will become narrower and more prone to political leanings. The joy of living leads to a wider perspective, self-confidence and awareness of diversity. Clearly, art is like a cushion to protect one's philosophy. Besides, contemporary art often encompasses social and human rights issues of our time, and thus provides a good opportunity to throw up new questions for those who have been too caught up in political bias and narrow schooling.

It can be difficult for those of us who are occupied with our daily lives to immediately fund artists. Therefore, I recommend visiting some exhibitions close to your home. For visitors in Kyoto, I recommend KYOTOGRAPHIE in which I have worked as an interpreter from 2021. This year, 2022, the theme is 'ONE' and you can see the work of international and Japanese photographers at various "Kyoto-like" traditional venues. Especially I would like to recommend Samuel Bollendorff's work, titled "Contaminations", at the Biwako Canal Museum. His documentary style is unique, and I've had the privilege of working with him three times and I've completely become a fan of his work. 

I noticed how great the power of art and photography is to help us think about the serious environmental pollution problems facing our planet today. If your trip to Japan coincides with the period of the exhibition (normally from April to May), you should definitely visit the venue. Think about the environmental, racial, political and global issues we face today with the help of art and photography.


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